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10 things millionaires do before breakfast. Most people are familiar with the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” but turns out, it’s what you do BEFORE breakfast that is the most important. We gathered the top 10 things millionaires do before breakfast to ensure their success in all aspects of their lives. They are eager students Successful business people and entrepreneurs are never satisfied with the status quo. The reason they achieve extraordinary things in business, is because for the most part, they do things differently than the rest of us, they're always learning, so that they can constantly improve. Many billionaires credit their success to the fact that they are voracious readers. These days, it's so easy to learn new things. Whether you prefer a book, an audio book, a podcast, webinar or attending a conference in person - the ways and means of how you get your information means that you can literally be learning anytime and anywhere. And here's the thing. If you read a book and get just 1 good idea that you can apply to your business or where you work - then that is a fantastic success for you. That's progress. I remember hearing a great quote: "Knowledge is NOT power. It's the APPLICATION of what you learn that gives you power..." So start

Desperate for Christmas party ideas? I get it. Organizing your work Christmas party can be tough. You want to do something that is going to be enjoyable for staff of all ages, but you also need to stick within a budget. And… it needs to go off without a hitch so that everyone is singing your praises in the days following. Dinner and drinks are the standard ‘go to’ for a lot of companies, but why not change things up this year. Get creative - hey, it's the most important team gathering of the year right? We have pulled together some awesome ideas with options for all budgets and team sizes to get your brain ticking! Corporate Volunteering Giving back to the community is on the minds of many, but finding the time to do it can be difficult. It's not often included in lists of Christmas party ideas, but it should be! There are actually corporate volunteering opportunities in many regions, where your team can help out with a charity organization for a day. Not only is this a wonderful team-bonding exercise, but everyone will have warm fuzzies afterward for putting their energy to a worthy cause! Check out or Salvation Army in Australia or Corporate Challenge Events in NZ, for more information. Best of all, no cleaning services required! Dress-up Barefoot Bowls A barefoot bowls

We all talk about how to create a good work life balance, but how often do we really get there? What's Your Why? Recently, my wife and I took our daughters on an amazing holiday (that's my family in the picture)... After the holiday, I re-evaluated why I do what I do - in essence, I found my "Why" (well, it was the holiday, and Simon Sinek's phenomenal book, "Start With Why") - which prompted me to write about something that none of us seem to be particularly good at: Creating a work life balance AND achieving happiness... "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark," goes the line in Shakespeare's Hamlet, according to The World Economic Forum. And it’s definitely NOT the Danes’ work/life balance. The report says that the Danish have a significantly better work-life balance than any other country surveyed. Including Australia. Incredibly, only 2% of employees regularly work long hours (which isn't much when you compare it with the international average of 13%).... The Danish spend almost two-thirds of their day (16 hours) eating, sleeping and indulging in leisurely pursuits. Want your own awesome time-freedom? Here's how to create work life balance AND achieve happiness: # 1. Stop wasting your energy Is Your Life A Constant Balancing Act? Think about how you manage your time

What makes for a modern office design? Do you remember George from the hit show, "Seinfeld"... ?? (actually kind of hard to forget, because they're ALWAYS playing re-runs on Foxtel..) There was one great episode where unsatisfied employee George, has Jerry's kitchen cupboard builder secretly build a bed under his desk at work - so he could take daily naps and 'hide' from his employers..... Meanwhile, his quirky boss decides to look for him in his office and chooses to stay there, waiting for his return - leaving George stuck under the desk, unable to leave without revealing that he had been 'taking a nap at work' ... Whether you're a fan of Seinfeld or not, a lot of us can relate to this scene, and all employers can take a lesson or two from it right...?? When we're at work, we want to feel comfortable... Not, like battery hens in cages... There's a lot to be said for creating modern office designs that reflect how we like to work in the 21st century. What Is Modern Office Design? Modern office designs are created to engage employees by appealing to their senses and empowering them to choose where and how within the workplace, they want to work. With the increase in remote working, many office employees no longer need to be physically present at their workplace to perform their

Has your company been talking about moving office for years, but so far they've been all talk and no action... And today you found out - it's official - you're moving office.. The decision's been made, the lease has been signed - so far so good.... Except.... The boss has told you you're going to be in charge of organising all the details for the move. It doesn't have to be like this - you just need a plan! That's right - you're responsible for moving all of the phones, IT, desks, chairs, and every single member of your team... Moving office is a HUGE undertaking, because not only does everything have to be packed up and unpacked, but you're also going to be dealing with co-workers who are unhappy about the move, or unhappy about where their new desk is going to be located at the new office (and absolutely every tiny detail in between).. So today's article is for YOU... here's what you actually need to know, to have an efficient, well co-ordinated, move. Create A Plan The lead time on moving office can be anything from 3 months to a year - so depending on your lead time, it's imperative that you start the process with a plan that will help guide you through each stage of the move (don't have a plan? Here's a detailed plan you can download straight away) Your plan needs to have a


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