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You actually care about doing your best at work. You’re meticulous, conscientious and productive. Chances are, you're already going well beyond the expectations outlined in your role., but here's the thing that sets you apart from the rest.... You never settle. Ever. Second best just isn't your thing - you're always looking for ways to improve and upskill yourself - EVERY.SINGLE.DAY Congratulations..! You're in the top 1% of the top 1%, and if you want to make sure all the bases are covered below are a few ways to ensure continued success in your role as Office Manager. Take planning and organisation to a scrupulous level. Instead of reacting to what arises, make a plan and get out in front of things, whether they’re issues, standard challenges or daily services your company provides. This includes meetings. If you're finding that 'certain' people in your organisation are sucking all the time out of your day due to incessant meetings - suggest a 'team huddle' to save on time. Team huddles can take anywhere from a few minutes to 15 minutes MAX... Everyone is standing up (if they're all sitting down and comfy, this will make the meeting go way longer than the allocated 15 mins). Everyone has an opportunity to update each other with the going-ons, and then move on with their day..

You work too hard, barely scrape by in the sleep department, constantly take care of friends and family and still manage to stay (mostly) sane from day to day and week to week. That’s no small feat. But you may have noticed signs of stress from this hectic lifestyle, whether it’s excessive fatigue, misplacing keys or other important items, headaches or tense moods. It’s time to take care of yourself so that you can continue taking care of everything (and everyone) else. Below are five life-altering stress busters that really make a difference. Eat whole foods. As in not overly processed foods. If the ingredient list is longer than your book club selection, this may be a sign that what you’re eating has spent more time in a lab than it did in the earth. Foods high in calcium and magnesium relax your muscles, relieve headaches and can actually improve sleep. Bonus: Chocolate contains calcium and magnesium, so there’s your excuse! Get moving. It may seem obvious, but no less essential, physical activity produces stress-relieving chemicals in your body. Whether you go with a soothing yoga routine or a high-energy kickboxing class, choose something you actually enjoy doing so you continue to do it. Yoga experts have devised specific poses that instantly melt away any built up

You could cut the atmosphere with a knife. That's right. The battle lines have been drawn in the office. It's time for you to make a stand a pick a side. Do you really have to pick a side? Yes you do.. The battle is fierce and the struggle is real. Tea or coffee? Instant or real? Once upon a time, almost every office proudly offered International Roast or a Liptons to staff and visitors. But we've changed. Coffee drinkers don't want 'instant' any more. We want freshly brewed latte, cappuccino, macchiato preferably served up by a hipster barista dude, with a cool look, at the latest cool café... Coffee, served up by a hipster barista dude, at the latest cool café... Oh, and one other thing. We don't want 'garden variety' milk with our drinks either. Give us low fat, skim milk, soy milk, almond milk - what's your preference? And tea drinkers have moved on too... Chai latte anyone? Instant vs Fresh Coffee These days, if you offered someone at work an International Roast Caters Blend, you'd get one of two responses: There would be a workplace revolt, with staff reducing the Purchasing Manager down to 43 beans... A stampede to the local café to get a cup of 'real' coffee or a chai... For any 'instant-drinking International Roast-loving' readers, don't feel completely left out. In

If your office is a looking a little 'beige' and boring, why not get creative and add some hot new gadgets and office supplies to brighten up your desk and your workspace. Here's our Top 10 List 1. A mini USB vacuum cleaner Ok, so we had to put this one at the top of the list - particularly because we are a commercial office cleaning company after all... This little gadget makes it easy to pick up those pesky crumbs that fall between the keys on your keyboard... Double Bonus points if the vacuum actually looks like the real thing. 2. An otter tape dispenser This is just so cute, and would suit any desk... If you're rushing around trying to get something finished, Just look at this little critter.... 3. Healthy Snacks Research indicates that 67% of employees with access to complimentary food report being "very" or "extremely" happy with their current role. Thus, healthy snacks certainly make our list... There are some great options available, if you love fresh juicy fruit delivered, then Fruit At Work should be your go-to site... Their fruit is just so good... To balance this out, we all need to have a sugar fix too... How about Cupcakes delivered to your, Cupcakes Delivered... And, it would almost be rude to have cupcakes and not enjoy a coffee to go with it... we

How you finish your work week can have a huge impact on your productivity for the following week, and, it can also determine how relaxed you feel over the weekend, so here are eight things to do before finishing work on a Friday, to set you up for success. Most successful people have a Friday afternoon routine to prepare themselves - so that they can completely relax over the weekend, and then when Monday comes around, they're ready to dive back in.. # 1 - Look back over your week and reflect on your achievements for the week. Yes, instead of getting to Friday and worrying about what you didn't do - take a different approach and remind yourself of just how much progress you have made (even if it was something small). If you're a Team Leader, you may want to turn this into a team get-together each Friday afternoon where you celebrate each others top achievements for the week.. # 2 - Decide on your priorities for the following week. Want to get something achieved? Put it on your schedule and allocate time to get it done. If you're on a deadline for something, ensure you allow yourself enough time to finish the project. Look at having between 3-5 major prorities that you want to achieve each week. # 3 - Complete a to-do list for the following week. By planning your following week,


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