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I'm serious - Are Your Co-Workers Driving You Crazy? Day in and day out are you sick of their annoying habits? Do they sniffle, slurp and smell their way through your day? According to a recent study by Harris Interactive, employees rated annoying coworkers to be the second most discouraging part of going work. (Low pay was the first—surprise!) Which begs the question: Are you the person in your office who is driving your colleagues crazy without even knowing it? When you spend up to 40 hours a week with the same colleagues, engaging in the same tasks, it's inevitable that something will start to irritate you. Whether it's a colleague's bad habits, an unreasonable boss, or that one tedious task you must handle daily (and despise), it's bound to fray your nerves eventually. [Disclaimer: I LOVE the people in my office and on my team, they're a super awesome group and none of them are annoying at all! This article was researched and written based on previous experiences in former jobs] If you’re like most people, sure, you'll endure it for a while, but day after day, those pesky things will bother you more and more.. Getting annoyed or angry with your co-workers doesn't do anything to solve the problem - all that does is make you feel more unhappy and less satisfied in your role.

You've spoken with your commercial cleaning services already about taking preventative steps, but every year you see the dreaded colds, flu's and general 'lurgies' get passed from one co-worker to another in your office - short of going all "Walter White" and wearing a hazmat suit - how are you going to avoid getting a cold or flu this winter? (And this year, you're determined that won't happen to you and your team). You're praying you'll be spared this year because you have so much on your plate - you're literally too busy to get sick.... This year is going to be different goddammit... Sure, you may be prone to picking things up if you have a weak immune system, or if your commercial cleaning services at the office leave a lot to be desired, perhaps things may not be as clean as they should be. But, it's far more likely that your office friends and colleagues may have a few nasty hygiene habits that make it way too easy for a virus to take hold and spread in your office. So, if you'd prefer to avoid suffering through another cold, flu or lurgie this winter, infectious disease specialists say being extra careful about hand hygiene, amongst other things, might just keep these bugs at bay.. “We know that some years (viruses) are more severe than others,” says Dr. Neil Fishman,

I've been dealing with grief for the past 3 weeks, and I now know I'll be dealing with this grief for the rest of my life.. You see, I lost the most important influence in my life - my amazing mother. It was sudden, and we were close - it's been like riding a rollercoaster that's out of control ever since. You just hang on... because, losing someone you love is the hardest thing you can go through without a doubt. My amazing mother, Lynette Stark Fortunately, when you're faced with this new reality, most of the time you'll find that your closest friends, family and loved ones, will be there for you - ready to support you when you truly need it the most. They'll call you, drop meals over, fill your home with flowers and cards, attend the funeral to support you, and be totally ok and sympathetic if you cry all the time. So while you go through all of this sorrow and heartache, you're protected, safe and supported. But what about when you have to go back to work? Sure, you're friendly with people at the office, but you may have only just started working at a new job, or, the team where you work aren't particularly close... So today I wanted to give you the Do's and Don'ts to help your co-workers through this tough time. # 1 - Do Call When you first hear the sad news, often the

As the Office Manager, maybe you've written a "Dear Office Cleaners At My Work", note... or perhaps, you've overheard some of these exchanges between your co-workers? '...wish he'd use some deodorant...' '...why can't he/she wipe out the bottom of the bin?' '...It's so awkward, I don't want to chat with them' '...they've missed that bit of paper on the floor again' Who knows? Maybe you had one of these conversations with a co-worker today... Dear Office Cleaners Where I Work As people who come to our offices to work, but don't work with us - we seem to spend a huge amount of time discussing our cleaners, what they do, how they do it, and everything in between. What's with our fascination for office cleaners anyway? I remember back when I was working in offices (similar to the type we now clean), discussions about the cleaners and the cleaning would be a really regular thing - there'd always be someone who had something to say about the cleaners, and then once one person mentioned it, no matter how busy we all were, it'd quickly escalate and before you knew it, there'd be opinions flying left and right.... .....about the cleaning and/or the cleaner... Anyway... It got me thinking about that (again...), and I wondered "if people could write a letter to their cleaner, what would

So, you've given yourself a good 'talking to' and decided that 2017 is the year you stop being taken for granted at work. Good for you! Staying in the same role year after year can (sometimes) lend itself to both feeling and being taken for granted. Sure, you know everything about how everything in your business works - you've become indispensable, and that's a great feeling, you bring a HUGE amount of value to the business and the business owners. But, if the truth be told, it’s tiring to constantly prove yourself when you’d like to think all those years of being a dependable, hardworking person willing to go the extra mile should have already proved that. Whether you’re stuck in a rut, been passed over for that promotion, or you’re just looking for a little more support and encouragement, work-life can be rough on office managers. Especially the good ones. 5 Ways To Stop Being Taken For Granted At Work Below are 5 ways to stop being taken for granted at work and get the respect and recognition you’ve already earned countless times before. Take a good look at what you accomplish on a day-to-day basis. It can be challenging to self-evaluate since we don’t have much perspective on our own work, but one of the best ways for your workmates and bosses to take you seriously is for


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