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What are the 5 things successful people do on a Monday morning to set them up for success..? How's your Monday morning routine going so far today? Did you arrive at the office a little late after struggling through traffic, then find you had an avalanche of emails to read and action. Or maybe the boss has asked for a meeting, and you're colleagues want meetings today too? Hmmm... Monday mornings can be like that when you work in an office. Everyone wants a piece of you, and clearly, there's not enough to go around. So what are the 5 things successful people do on a Monday morning to set them up for success..? They get out of bed earlier I know, it's a tough ask when its winter and it's dark outside, but successful people plan their success, and getting out of bed a little earlier, is a big part of that plan. Plus, getting up earlier = more free time so you can go for a run, or hit the gym.... Which means you'll have more energy, and be better equipped to face the day.. They don't skip breakfast It can be hard facing breakfast early in the morning, but research shows this really is the most important meal of the day. If you're up earlier, you have time to have breakfast and save money. Why? Because you won't be tempted by a mid-morning calorie-laden snack)... You'll feel better

5 Things Your Customers Won’t Tell You Today's post "5 Things Your Customer Won't Tell You" was prompted by something that happened years ago. I was employed by an international hotel chain, and part of my responsibilities included interacting with my colleagues at other hotels across Asia. I was shocked at the lengths they would go to avoid sharing bad news, however, they were always very happy to be brutally honest in other areas ("hi, great to see you, wow, you've put on some weight..!") would be totally acceptable, whereas, if there was any bad news to share, they avoided it at all costs.. I learnt that this was, in fact, a major cultural difference. Being direct, was considered friendly. Sharing bad news was to be avoided at all costs and considered impolite. Which prompted me to wonder - how would this translate to a business? If your clients are being polite, how can you understand the experience that your customer is having with your business? Customer research suggests that 96% of people won’t bother to file a complaint with a business. Ouch. That's a lot of people who won't say a word. Why? It's a combination of customers just not caring enough, some who don't want a confrontation with you, and others who are just way too busy to care. What about the other 4%? Well

Cleaning Up Your Office or Strata Building After a Flood Chances are if you’re reading this, either your office or your strata building has received flood damage caused by recent torrential rain & high winds. If you're responsible for cleaning up your office or strata building after a flood, you need to start immediately. Here's a checklist of what you should do now: To avoid harmful mold growing, make sure you dry out any flooded areas within 48 hours. This can be done by contacting a commercial cleaning company. They will use a special wet/dry vacuum to remove the water, and then use industrial fans to dry the affected area out. This is a very important step. Opening the doors and hoping things will dry quickly, is not the correct way to handle office or strata building floods. Correct cleaning will remove hazards like bacteria and viruses. Drying properly will prevent problems like mold growing, which can cause severe allergies and respiratory problems for you and your staff. Next step is to throw away any wet materials that can’t be cleaned or saved. For insurance purposes, take photographs of any damaged property that must be thrown away. Then proceed to dry the flooded areas thoroughly. Areas that stay wet or damp for more than 48 hours can grow mold – so be careful..

10 Tips To Better Performance Reviews At Work Here are our top 10 tips to better performance reviews at work... get started now, and your next review should be awesome.... who knows? You might even get a pay rise.. 1 - Telephone Conversation Manners Don't you love it when someone answers the phone quickly, and they're super friendly and efficient - and nothing is too much trouble for them? Be that person... 2 - Avoid Makeup at the Desk Get your 'face' on before you get to your desk... Your co-workers probably don't want to watch you put your makeup on, so either make sure you've done it before you leave home, or go to the bathroom and do it there - whichever way, avoid doing this at your desk... 3 - Body Language Do you speak to your bosses and co-workers with your arms folded in front of you? Maybe give work instructions with your hands on your hips? Bad body language literally screams at people (and not in a good way...) - try and take a more neutral stance when you're dealing with co-workers - be more open, and you'll find they will be much more open to you.. 4 - Having Food at Workplace These days, we're all super busy, so eating at our desk has become more common than not eating there... The thing is, be considerate. Absolutely no-one in your office wants to smell your

Today's blog discusses the 8 common headaches at the office (and how to get rid of them). Headaches are one of the most common health complaints at work. Knowing what kind of headache you're suffering from is part of the solution to know how to treat and avoid them.. Cluster Headache If you feel sore on one side of your head and your eyes look a bit red and bloodshot, that's a cluster headache. They cause severe pain and have been referred to as "suicidal" headaches. When you drink too much alcohol, or you don't eat well, it puts an excessive toxic load on your body. Some people also react to substance like nitrates which are often found in foods like preserved meats and bacon. Studies show that men are more prone to cluster headaches. These headaches can be treated with a soluble aspirin, and rest. Reducing your overall toxic load will also help greatly. Migraine Headache Migraine Headaches are the most incapacitating headaches. They affect 3 times more women than men. How do you know if you're suffering from a migraine when you're at the office? The first sign is a spasm that happens in the wall of the meningeal artery. This spasm typically lasts a few minutes, then it's followed by a paralysis of the wall of the artery. This can last for days. This paralysis leads to


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