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Stop Green Cleaning! Nah, don’t – I just wanted you to check out this post because there are so many fakes out there who will tell you they are using green products to clean your site, but they don’t (because they cost more and those dudes are only interested in profits). At Cleancorp – if you want green cleaning, that’s what you get. Using eco–friendly cleaning products, we work without harming our clients’ health or the environment. We also ensure that our cleaners are not exposed in harmful chemicals and toxins (and did we mention that we are officially ISO Certified for Environmental Management)? Take that, fake green cleaning companies. What are the benefits of green cleaning? Healthier office space – by going green, you won’t inhale or absorb through your skin the harmful chemicals found in most cleaning products. Purer environment – it helps reduce pollution to our waterways and air and minimizes impact on ozone depletion. Safer products – conventional cleaning products poses risks such as chemical burns to the skin and the eyes. Green cleaning products aren’t corrosive and are safe to touch. At Cleancorp, we believe that cleaning doesn’t have to pose risks for your health or the environment (or profit marginsT). We’re Cleancorp, and with us, you just get more – more

Are all cleaning companies LIARS? No, they’re not, but we just had to laugh when we saw this How To Choose A Cleaner Guide on the Internet. Check out these funny Questions to Ask Your Cleaning Service – what do you think are the chances of getting honest answers to all these 7 questions? How thorough are they performing their tasks? Are they being inspected regularly by a quality assurance supervisor? How quickly do they respond to problems? Do they like feedback? Are other clients happy with their services? Do they have emergency action plans? Are they using safe and green products? Kidding aside, some companies might not be 100% honest to you, but still, these questions are definitely worth asking. If they tell you it’s all YES, and you feel the same way, then good for you. But, if they say YES to everything but the results say otherwise, you might want to have a back-up plan. Cleaning the office is a task that must be delegated to the pros. At Cleancorp, our trained cleaners will ensure that every space in your office is safe, clean and looking its best all the time. We won’t lie to you. We’re Cleancorp, and with us, you just get more – more attention, more time and more detail. Call us today at 1300 211 944 for a free quote.

Dear Cleancorp, My boss takes her Persian cat in the office every single day. Now, you know the pal’s been all over the place because there’s fur everywhere! On the floor, on our desks, on the carpet, even on the dining table! What’s the best thing to do aside from shaving her fur? Truly yours, EA In Distress Dear EA, Get a shaver! Just kidding. I feel you, though. Having pets in the office gives us more reasons for an intensive and detailed cleaning. I mean, no one likes to sniff fur on their desks or sit on a furry sofa. No one likes to find their morning paper with cat poo either. What if clients walk in and see the office covered in fur? (This is getting scary). Jokes aside, maintaining a clean, fresh, and safe office environment is a challenging task. Dust, dirt, and germs are persistent issues that require ongoing attention. Coupled with the additional mess from pets, the best solution is to hire a cleaning company to tackle these demanding tasks for you. And since as you said, your boss’s furry pal is in the office every day, all the more that the office needs to be cleaned up thoroughly on a regular basis. Call us today at 1300 211 944 and let us help you solve your problem.

Mmmm, the smell of new, freshly laid carpet in your office…. The boss, is feeling good – proudly telling everyone that he got it for a steal (as he runs his hand across it one more time)… His good mood won’t last long though when he finds out that someone has spilt ink on the new carpet… oops. How do you solve this carpet cleaning dilemma without telling your boss? Scrub the stain with bleach (noooooooo – don’t do that, you’ll ruin the carpet entirely!) Cut the carpet (but the stain is at the center- don’t do this either!) Tell your boss (and regret the decision later on when you don’t get an annual bonus and everyone else does) Call a professional and reliable office carpet cleaning service (the best and safest option!) Relax. Cleancorp has your back. We’ll remove that stain in no time! Our ninja office carpet cleaners will make sure it looks good as new- like the stain was never there.. Call us now at 1300 211 944 and let us take care of your cleaning problem for you.

Your seemingly harmless PC could harbor viruses and bacteria unseen to the naked eye. And given that most of us have our hands on it 8 hours a day (or more), a dirty PC easily becomes a culprit for spreading diseases. Aside from dust and viruses, your PC could also be playing home to gross things like: Dead bugs Mouse urine Dust Dead cockroaches Insect feces Imagine laying your hands on all these things! You don’t have to wait until the blanket of dust removes the letters of your keyboard. Do yourself a favor: clean your computer. But if you’re very busy like most of us, this simple task takes ages to get done. Don’t worry. We’ve got your back on this one… Our professional cleaners can detail clean and sanitise your computers, leaving them good as new. At Cleancorp you just get more – more attention, more time and more detail. Call us for a free quote at 1300 211 944.


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