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Brisbane, AU - Employees at a family law firm in Brisbane are celebrating John Wilson’s birthday, a senior partner at the firm, with an office party this Friday night. “I know it’s my birthday, but this piss up feels like more of a punishment than a gift” said Wilson, “I can make awkward small talk and dad jokes with these people any day I want, why do I have to waste my birthday doing it too?” The party planning committee decided on an 80’s theme, because it seemed original yet basic enough where everyone would have clothes to wear. “I really thought John would like an 80's theme since I noticed he plays a lot of Aerosmith and Journey when he’s working” said Meryl, from the accounting department and the head of the party planning committee, “and I think he’ll be excited to see the entire accounting department dressed as one of his favorite artists, Prince!” “And the worst part is, not only do I need to organise extra office cleaning, but I walk in and I see the entire accounting department dressed up as Prince” said Wilson, “so now I can officially say I spent my 52nd birthday standing around with a group of Princes arguing whether Purple Rain or Raspberry Beret is better to workout to.” To book the party planning committee for your party, head to

With the warmer weather now here, one thing is for sure. If your office manager has anything to do with it, the office air con temp is about to turn Arctic. Ladies and gentlemen, the annual fight for control of the office a/c is about to begin. It's ON vs OFF (if you know what we mean you might be able to relate to this post). As the temperature outside soars in the hot Australian Summer, the tense air conditioning battle continues unabated inside your office. Your office runs the risk of turning into a war zone. Change the temperature by even a degree, and be prepared for some serious blowback.. Sure, it will feel like the office manager is just giving you helpful "advice" on how the a/c system works when the office manager tells you why it needs to be so cold, - but you know what they're really saying is 'keep your hands off the a/c a**hole'.. You're literally shivering at your desk and experiencing what is known as "freezing office syndrome". According to research, more women than men suffer from this affliction. There are many theories as to why but it's most likely because women typically produce less body heat than men. Male or female, working in a cold environment can impact on your productivity and concentration levels. If your office is uncomfortably cold your first

Summer is just around the corner. It's almost time to put on your out of office and start preparing for the holidays.. And, you’ll no doubt be counting the days until you can be relaxing with your family and friends. Not only is this of year a time for making personal preparations (beach trips, BBQs, Christmas shopping…), but believe it or not, now is an awesome time to prepare your office for summer. Whether your office will be closed down for a few weeks (#winning), or skeleton staff will be running the show, we’ve prepared a checklist for things to do so you can have your office ready for summer, and you can head off for a well earned break, knowing you’ve finished everything.. Between now and the last work day Marie Kondo - Author If you haven’t had a chance to spring clean your office yet, schedule some time to get this done before the summer break. Remember to ask everyone to chip in and help with tidying things up, clearing out the storage room, and checking stationery inventory. It’s kind of therapeutic too. You know all those files that have been sitting in the “to be filed” pile for months? Well it is super satisfying to have the time to actually put them away, knowing they’re done with for the year. And don’t stop there. While you’re on a role, why not go through that

How can you create a stress free office environment? You know what I'm talking about. A workplace where it feels like a perpetual Friday afternoon before Christmas, instead of the dreaded Monday before a big deadline? We’ve put together a short list of 10 ways that you can make your office and work life as stress free as possible. Get organized Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash If your desk is chaotic and disorganized, with papers and files everywhere, that can really mess with your head. Mess equals stress. Subconsciously, when your office work space is filled with phone messages, papers, files, and you can barely see your desk, you’ll never feel like you’re in control. What have you buried in there? What have you forgotten to do…? It’s stressful just thinking about it... So, here’s what to do. Make a list of all the tasks and items that you have to get done and rank them in terms of importance. Then WORK the list. You will feel your stress levels going down with this exercise. By being very intentional and adopting a ‘get it done’ attitude, you’ll knock a lot of work off your list, and put yourself back in control. You'll be amazed at how fast you can work through your list, just by focusing in on it and not letting anything distract you from your mission. Eat the frog Mark

10 things millionaires do before breakfast. Most people are familiar with the phrase “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” but turns out, it’s what you do BEFORE breakfast that is the most important. We gathered the top 10 things millionaires do before breakfast to ensure their success in all aspects of their lives. They are eager students Successful business people and entrepreneurs are never satisfied with the status quo. The reason they achieve extraordinary things in business, is because for the most part, they do things differently than the rest of us, they're always learning, so that they can constantly improve. Many billionaires credit their success to the fact that they are voracious readers. These days, it's so easy to learn new things. Whether you prefer a book, an audio book, a podcast, webinar or attending a conference in person - the ways and means of how you get your information means that you can literally be learning anytime and anywhere. And here's the thing. If you read a book and get just 1 good idea that you can apply to your business or where you work - then that is a fantastic success for you. That's progress. I remember hearing a great quote: "Knowledge is NOT power. It's the APPLICATION of what you learn that gives you power..." So start


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