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Offices across Australia are in the process of rolling out a work from home (WFH) option in order to try and “flatten the curve” of the COVID-19 trajectory. While this will work well for many workplaces, there is still some important preparation involved to ensure it goes smoothly. 1. Ensure you have the right systems in place to check in with each other and stay on task Thanks to modern technology and apps such as Skype and Microsoft Teams, video conferencing is becoming a popular option for meetings. These apps have been used mostly for workers based in different geographical locations, but as times are changing and the number of COVID-19 outbreaks increasing, videoconferencing is a great way to embrace social distancing and self-isolation without the risk of sharing germs. Isolation can be boring and stressful so having the option to talk ‘face to face’ with colleagues and direct reports can help keep up motivation to stay on task and accountability to keep projects running to schedule. Before going remote you should ensure each staff member is set up on your conference calling app of choice and that they know how to use it – ideally before they leave the office, as it will be easier to troubleshoot in person. 2. Staff need the correct tools remote working to do their job

While Coronavirus (or COVID-19) makes its way across the world, you can keep the germs far away and the panic at bay with these simple office hygiene tips and tricks. Coronavirus is a highly contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus that’s slowly spreading across the globe. Scientists estimate that it is almost twice as infectious as the flu which has caused worldwide panic and a sharp rise in toilet paper sales across Australia. Symptoms for the virus can be as mild as a cough, but for the elderly, those with health issues and those over 40, Coronavirus proving dangerous and sometimes deadly. How is Coronavirus spread? The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that Coronavirus spreads when an infected person coughs or exhales, releasing droplets of infected fluid and spreading up to a metre away. If you have an infected colleague in the office these infectious droplets could land on people, desks, tables, doorknobs or telephones up to a metre away. Meaning, if you touch these surfaces then touch your eyes, nose or mouth (or they hit you directly), you may catch the virus. The rules to stay virus free have not changed To avoid Coronavirus, you’re looking to keep all your healthy habits going – or if they are on your eternal ‘to-do’ list, now is the time to practice

CBT: Tell us about when and why you started Cleancorp. What had you done previously? L&HM: Back in 1995, my husband was working as a builder/carpenter doing huge hours in a fickle construction industry with unpredictable pay checks. Lucky for us, I had steady work in Sales and Marketing for an International Hotel chain. We had one steady income, and one extremely unpredictable income, and then we found out I was pregnant… we were thrilled! Because I had only been in my position for a short period, I had no maternity leave allowance, and so I either had to go back to work a month after our baby was born – or find another employer. We couldn’t afford to lose my income, so back to work I went. We had 2 more children in fairly quick succession after that, all while I stayed on at work full time. It was heartbreaking, putting someone else in charge of looking after our 3 little girls each day, but we had to do it to survive. I guess the tipping point came on the day after Christmas in 1997 – we had run out of money for the month. My husband hadn’t been paid by his client (again), and as I was paid monthly – we had no money until I got paid at the end of the month. Not knowing what to do, we decided to just take our children down to the beach for a play and try and forgot our troubles


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