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How to Make the Most of Your Office Closure This Christmas Planning Christmas office closures? If you’ve ever walked into your office the morning after the Christmas party, you know it can either be a big win (good cleaners), or an epic fail (no cleaners). We call that, a “Christ-mess”, and no-one wants to come in to that . They do, however, love being welcomed back after the holiday season by a squeaky clean workplace, and work that’s been done by a team of fresh clean cleaners who care (yes, they do exist)! So, if you’d like your return to work to ‘sleigh-it’ here are a few ideas for putting a bow on your year, and getting your workplace Christmas ready . If it’s your first time hiring a professional cleaning service, there are some things to consider. Cleancorp has been in the cleaning business for over 27 years and we know a thing or two about what makes a stellar service. Here’s our top 5 tips to guarantee stress-free commercial cleaning during the holiday season: Have a Closure Plan What is it, and why do you need one? A Christmas closure plan is a schedule of what’s happening when you’re closing your office for the holidays. Your plan should be shared with your team members and your cleaning service team. The plan lets everyone know what’s going on, with the added benefit

Ode to Christmas Cleaning Services Twas’ the week before December, and all through the work-place Not a clean surface was visible, not a bin liner replaced The monitors were dusty and in need of some care, In hopes, that professional cleaning services were somewhere out there… When outside the office, there was such a clatter You sprang from your desk chair to see what was the matter Away they went, cleaning like a flash Cleaned the windows, streak free with their product stash They wiped down the desks, then the screen, then the porch You knew in a moment, they must be Cleancorp! Now, deep cleaning! Now carpet cleaning! Now window cleaning and sanitisation! On, spring cleaning! On strip and seal! On Christmas cleaning services perfection! Christmas. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year… and right now, you should be planning the end of year holiday cleaning for the office. Amongst all the Christmas cheer and happy holiday wishes, lurks the pre-christmas countdown, filled with more important things like: “What Kris Kringle present should I buy Susan from Accounts?” “What do they really mean when they say ‘Cocktail Attire’ for the company Christmas Party?” And those end of year deadlines are approaching faster than Santa’s sleigh… The last thing you’re probably thinking

A deep clean is a process that goes beyond the regular cleaning routine. It’s an opportunity to get in amongst all those hard-to-reach places, such as behind the kitchen appliances or under the bathroom sink, and eradicate any built-up dirt and grime. In addition, regular office deep cleaning can help to improve air quality by removing airborne allergens and pollutants. And let’s be honest, it is lovely to come in after the office has been given a really thorough deep cleaning treatment. It just feels better to work in the space. While the disruption of deep cleaning an office can be daunting for any business, coordinating the logistics of providing access to the commercial cleaning company keeping the space orderly, free from germs, and clutter-free has never been more important, especially if you’re offering a hybrid working model to your team. However, it can be challenging to know where to start, especially if the office has been neglected for a while. In this blog post, we’ll explain how to deep clean an office and create a healthy and productive working environment. Let’s get started. Deep cleaning for offices: essential tasks to make your workspace sparkle Regular office deep cleaning is essential to help combat the spread of germs and protect the health and safety of

There’s always one. It’s just that this year, it’s you, and now, you're staring down the barrel of total office Christmas party humiliation. Here's how to handle the next day at work.. After a year that, let’s face it, everyone would rather forget, your boss has sprung for a great party, to celebrate just making it through the year. And to make it even more special, it wasn’t a Monday-Thursday night party. Nope. Your boss booked it on a Friday night – and everyone knows, you have to earn a Friday night party, so it’s going to be huge. Okay, maybe you just think that way. The reality is that you work with a great group of people, and when you put them together with free food, alcohol, and the festive season, well, let’s just say it’s the perfect storm for things to get out of hand. And let’s face it. The work crew love to party. Even the people who don't like to party, carry on at the work 'do'. So, whether you like it or not, this is THE party of the year, so much so that you have even pre-planned for being at the party with an action plan, so you can avoid making a fool of yourself. Christmas Party Action Plan For Success: Drink a glass of water between drinks. Make sure you eat. Don’t mix your drinks And the 3 magical ‘P’s” – PACE, PACE, PACE Don’t get too loose And yet,

Hello from Week 7 or 8 (or whatever it is by the time you read this) of lock down! How's your mojo going? Remember last year, moving to a remote working environment?? Back then, working from home seemed like a beautiful oasis in the desert. Alluring and shimmery and everything we ever wanted. It represented freedom, some would say salvation from the grind, and at the time, it appeared to be everything we've ever wanted. For a 9 to 5-er, it was the pinnacle of flexibility. Like winning a gold medal in the work/life balance Olympics . That is until, this year. All of a sudden, the shimmery goodness of a WFH gig has started to dull. Sure, you work from home, but you also now live at work. Not quite so shiny anymore With (currently) no end in sight to the lock-downs, employers are looking for ways to help their team stay sane, happy and feeling appreciated. Bosses are looking for a way to lift spirits, and keep the team vibe alive. So, if you are looking for some inspiration to send some love to your team, check out some of these ideas: Happy Hour from Home The days feel like they're blurring together at the moment, so the first step is making Friday feel different. My ideal Friday involves great music, listening to my playlist of liked songs on Spotify, a mishmash of songs that


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