With the warmer weather now here, one thing is for sure. If your office manager has anything to do with it, the office air con temp is about to turn Arctic. Ladies and gentlemen, the annual fight for control of the office a/c is about to begin. It's ON vs OFF (if you know what we mean you might be able to relate to this post).
Sure, it will feel like the office manager is just giving you helpful "advice" on how the a/c system works when the office manager tells you why it needs to be so cold, - but you know what they're really saying is 'keep your hands off the a/c a**hole'..
According to research, more women than men suffer from this affliction. There are many theories as to why but it's most likely because women typically produce less body heat than men.
Male or female, working in a cold environment can impact on your productivity and concentration levels. If your office is uncomfortably cold your first move is to take it up with your office manager or HR department. Ask if the temperature can be adjusted or the air vents moved so they’re not pointing directly at you. Is it possible to move desks? What's the chance of opening a window to let some of the warmer outside air in?
Can the responsibility for the air con be on your list of duties (instead of theirs..?)
If you're losing the battle - you can STILL win this war... Here are 5 ways you can handle freezing office syndrome this Summer, and tell your office manager to "go ahead, set the air con temp to 'Arctic'.
Try these tips to keep yourself warm while you’re at work, and enjoy the smug feeling of knowing you've won this round...
Sure, that beautiful new summer outfit you just bought for work is TOTALLY redundant. It's way too cold inside to wear that... but cheer up, just think of the extra value for money you'll be getting out of your winter clothes each year. (You'll save a fortune on summer work clothes)...
You could also keep a scarf or wrap on hand for those days when you need an extra layer. This a good solution for when you have meetings on-site with people you'd rather not see while you're wearing a baggy hoody too :)
Have you ever gone camping and sat by a fire holding a delicious hot drink to keep your hands warm? Well same principal applies here.
If the cold is affecting your productivity, it’s time to get serious about ways to keep warm. A small blanket over your lap can make a big difference (sure, you'll look ridiculous, but hey - at least you'll be warm).
While you’re at it, bring a pair of socks to put on while you’re at your desk because having warm feet can help regulate your body temperature. If you suffer from cold fingers, making typing difficult, use a pair of finger-less gloves to help keep your hands warm while you work.
It's time to take action.
Get up from your desk. Get out from under your blanket, take off your finger-less gloves, your water bottle and your North Face puffer jacket, & challenge the efficient office manager who set the air con temp to "Arctic" in the first place.
This will really get your blood boiling, and in an ironic twist, warm you up.
Go try it, and if that doesn't work, just keep changing the temp until they give in and give up... Good luck!