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10 Tips To Better Performance Reviews At Work

Written by Lisa Macqueen | June 29, 2016

10 Tips To Better Performance Reviews At Work

Here are our top 10 tips to better performance reviews at work... get started now, and your next review should be awesome.... who knows?  You might even get a pay rise..

1 - Telephone Conversation Manners

Don't you love it when someone answers the phone quickly, and they're super friendly and efficient - and nothing is too much trouble for them?  Be that person...

2 - Avoid Makeup at the Desk

Get your 'face' on before you get to your desk... Your co-workers probably don't want to watch you put your makeup on, so either make sure you've done it before you leave home, or go to the bathroom and do it there - whichever way, avoid doing this at your desk...

3 - Body Language

Do you speak to your bosses and co-workers with your arms folded in front of you?  Maybe give work instructions with your hands on your hips?    Bad body language literally screams at people (and not in a good way...) - try and take a more neutral stance when you're dealing with co-workers - be more open, and you'll find they will be much more open to you..

4 - Having Food at Workplace

These days, we're all super busy, so eating at our desk has become more common than not eating there...   The thing is, be considerate.  Absolutely no-one in your office wants to smell your garlic chicken dish - as delicious as it might be... nor, do they particularly want to smell fishy smells all afternoon.   If you want to eat food that's considered a little 'on the nose' - make that a day you eat away from your desk...

5 - Be Punctual

Most employers these days have a much more flexible attitude to their staff, however, being punctual is polite, and it shows your clients and co-workers that you can be depended on... Being late, just makes you look bad..

6 - Teamwork Saves the Day

Are you a team player?  Being known in the office as someone who is willing to go the extra mile, or help out a co-worker or customer, not only makes you feel good, but it also shows great initiative to your employers....

7 - Using Strong Perfumes

Some people are super sensitive to heavy perfumes.  If you notice that people around you seem to always be sneezing and uncomfortable, it might mean that lovely new perfume or cologne of yours is a little on the strong side... Ask your co-workers if it's bothering them and if it is, try wearing a lighter scent.

8 - No More Annoying Habits

This point could go on for pages.  Let's stick with the big ones.  Talking about people unkindly behind their back - NO, Don't be a slob at work...NO, NO, NO....  If you don't have office cleaners don't leave the kitchen looking like a mess. Talking loudly on personal calls - NO, taking pens, paper, paperwork, stapler etc from co-workers desk - NO, not finishing tasks in a timely manner - NO, always being on your own personal social media - NO, coming back late from lunch - NO.... taking way too much sick leave - NO. If you want a more extensive list, check out this great article from the Huffington Post

9 - Keep Your Personal Problems To Yourself

After hours work get together can be so much fun - except, if you happen to use these occasions to air grievances, (or worse,  get totally wasted).   If you have a work event coming up, just remember, you still need to be professional.  You don't want to be a mess at a work event.... ever...

10 - Bring it...!

If you're not adding value to the business you work for, you are literally just talking up space.  So bring your 'A' game every day.  Your fresh ideas, and suggestions, and if you find there's a problem, before you share it, come up with the solution...


Here at Cleancorp, we take the hard work out of hiring an office cleaning service because we use the “POV” principal – we look at things from your Point Of View, the Office Manager.  Everyday our Team Members work hard to ensure you don’t have any cleaning hassles when you come in of a morning – you just come in to a clean, fresh business space – guaranteed.
How do we make sure everything works?   Firstly, it’s our team of dedicated professional cleaners, and secondly, our internal processes and systems.  We’re triple ISO Certified to the International Standard in Quality: AS/NZS ISO 9001:2008, Environmental Management AS/NZS ISO 14001:2004 and; OH&S AS/NZS ISO 4801:2001...

Ready to make the switch to a better cleaning service?  Call us today 1300 211 944.